Saturday, June 23, 2012

32 Weeks

I've officially hit the 2 month mark.  That is, 2 months until my due date!  It's crazy to think that we could meet this little guy in 2 months.  The more I work in the nursery, the more excited I get to bring him home and let him see all the hard work.  Of course, he won't care :-)  

I am looking forward to next Wednesday because all of my summer obligation will be completed and I can truly focus on getting ready for Little Boy.  I'll still have to get lesson plans and my classroom ready for maternity leave, but that shouldn't take too long - crossing my fingers!

32 weeks prego

How far along: 32 Weeks
Baby's size: a jicama (whatever that is) - baby boy weighs about 3.75 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long!
Maternity clothes: yep
Sleep: Not too good - I had my first night of waking up at 4 am and just staying up :-(
Best moment this week: The progress made in his nursery - clothes ready to wash, toys ready to display, and bedding ready to set up!
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach - sleeping on my side is really starting to bother my hips and back
Movement: oh yeah!  While my ribs are sore, I wouldn't give up feeling him move for anything
Food cravings: anything cold
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions and veggies
Gender: BOY - we may have settled on a name!  Will share as soon as it's official!
Labor signs: no, but have had some braxton hicks
Symptoms: pregnancy brain, heartburn, siatica (again)
Belly button in or out: in - it's starting to move outward
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: happy
Looking forward to: Mike coming home from his weekend in Oklahoma and our appointment next week!

1 comment:

  1. Are you using a body pillow? That helped me feel more comfortable sleeping on my side. So excited for you!
