Saturday, June 16, 2012

31 Weeks

What a week!  I have barely had time to sit and relax this week.  On Monday, Mike and I spent the day together for his birthday.  We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then to Lowe's for materials to finish the many projects around the house.  That night, we had our childbirthing class.  We toured the labor and deliver wing of Baptist which made everything more real.  

On Thursday, we had our 31 week appointment.  We got to hear his precious heartbeat - love!!  He is still measuring 1 to 1.5 weeks early (32.5 weeks).  Mike and I also had our maternity pictures taken with Cauley Photography on Thursday.  I can't wait to see the finished products!!

I've also been meeting friends to finalize plans for our 10 year high school reunion and STARS training.  Our reunion started last night at the Thea Foundation and we had a great turn out!  Had I not been up since 4 am, I wouldn't have been as exhausted.  The festivities continued this afternoon and evening - it's been great seeing people I haven't seen in 10 years!

This morning, I had an amazing baby shower hosted by some wonderful women!!  I feel so very blessed to have such great family and friends help us prepare for this little guy.  Now I get to start sorting through all of his goodies and figure out what we still need.  Only 2 months to go!!!

How far along: 31 Weeks
Baby's size: 4 naval oranges - baby boy weighs about 3.3 pounds and is about 16 inches long!
Maternity clothes: yep
Sleep: I'm still waking up every 2 hours, but being able to sleep in makes up for that :-)
Best moment this week: there were so many - great appointment (healthy boy), touring labor and delivery, maternity pics, baby shower
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach
Movement: he's still practicing his soccer skills - now that we know he is head down, we can somewhat determine if he is kicking or stretching with his hands or feet.
Food cravings: anything cold
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions and veggies
Gender: BOY - we may have settled on a name!  Will share as soon as it's official!
Labor signs: no, but have had some braxton hicks
Symptoms: pregnancy brain, heartburn, leg cramps, ankle swelling (sporting cankles), siatica (again), growing pains
Belly button in or out: in - it's starting to move outward
Wedding rings on or off: back on
Happy or moody most of the time: this week has been so hectic that I have been more edgy
Looking forward to: putting his bedding together - my mother-in-law surprised me with it today at the shower and it looks AWESOME!!!  It was the hit of the shower!!!

1 comment:

  1. You had an exciting week! Can't wait to hear the name!
