Saturday, March 29, 2014

23 Weeks

And, I've successfully gotten behind on posting.  I've been trying for every 2 weeks, but was too busy packing for Florida last week.  That being said, I'm moving on to 23 weeks, and will resume next week.

How far along: 23 weeks and 2 days
Baby's size: a large mango - baby is about 11 inches long (head to heel) and you weigh just over a pound.
Maternity clothes: definitely in pants, but I switch out in shirts
Sleep:being out of town meant a week of not good sleep on a hard bed, but I got great sleep last night.  Still waking up with hip pain from having to sleep on my sides.
Best moment this week: spending time with family in Florida and making memories with Matthew!
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach - it's my go-to for comfort
Movement: Little Man has been kicking like crazy, and the kicks/elbows are getting bigger every day!  It's gotten to the point where I can feel the kicks from the outside, but Mike is still waiting to feel them.
Food cravings: meat or just junk food (terrible) - I've heard that's a sign of a boy when you eat like a growing teenage boy.  It's definitely gotten to that point (and the point where I never feel full).
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing specific
Gender:  it's a BOY!!  Still working on a name for Little Man.
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: siatica and heartburn still, but other than that I feel great!
Belly button in or out: in, but I can tell it's moving out.  I'll be shocked if it pops out because it never did with Matthew
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: pretty good most days apart from the stress of traveling.
Looking forward to: We go back to the doctor for our 24 week appt on Wednesday and I'm so looking forward to hearing that precious heartbeat again!  Not looking forward to the glucola test though.

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