Thursday, March 6, 2014

20 Weeks

We have made it to the half way point!!!  The countdown is officially on!!!  This week has been a whirlwind of emotions - family friends in the hospital, a death in the family, and finding out the gender of this precious baby.  While there have been a lot of downs this week, the major high point was finding out that we are expecting a baby BOY!!!  I'm now 2-0 on guessing the gender, but who's keeping count (ME!).  I was able to take the whole day off so I could relax and prepare for the gender reveal that night.  We had to wait for 30 extra minutes to get an ultrasound because the clinic had been closed 2 days previous due to major winter weather.  I absolutely adore the ultrasound tech at my clinic!  She always remembers me because we have little ones that are 1 month apart.

I went in guessing boy, but had been going back and forth this whole time.  I really didn't have a preference, so when I hear/saw the heartbeat everything else went out the window.  All I cared about was a healthy baby, and praise the Lord, that's what we've got!  As she looked for the gender, she paused on a blurry image and said, "Looks like you're having another boy"!  Mike and I had to have her point out what she was seeing, which was completely different from Matthew's ultrasound.  This little boy was in a funky position and wouldn't keep still (does this mean we're gonna have our hands full with baby #2???).  She found several different angles to prove to Mike that she was 100% sure it was a boy.  Needless to day, we are beyond thrilled to have another little boy, and for Matthew to have a little brother!

How far along: 20 weeks
Baby's size: a banana - baby is about 6.5 inches long (head to rump) and about 10 inches (head to heel).  You weigh about 10.5 oz
Maternity clothes: sometimes
Sleep: it's been much better.  I still, occasionally, waking up from hip pain.
Best moment this week: Seeing little bit again (and for the last time before delivery) and knowing that he is healthy!
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach and being able to make it without a nap
Movement: been feeling lots of little kicks! 
Food cravings: been craving sweets like crazy
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing specific
Gender:  it's a BOY!!
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: siatica (on a daily basis - boo!), and heart burn
Belly button in or out: in, but I can tell it's moving out.  I'll be shocked if it pops out because it never did with Matthew
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: very up and down with the week we've had - there have been lots of tears and anxious moments
Looking forward to: Figuring out a name for this little boy and really starting to work on M's big boy room!

Here's to the next 20 weeks!

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