Thursday, April 3, 2014

24 Weeks

Alrighty, I'm back on track!  Here we are at 24 weeks - how did we get this far along so quickly???  We only have 16 weeks to go!  We went for our 24 week appointment yesterday and Baby Boy's heartbeat was still strong and still around 140.  They also started measuring my belly, and all is well there.  While there, I got to take the loverly glucola test.  The drink still wasn't terrible, however, I didn't pass this time :-(  I passed with Matthew, so this was new territory for me.  My level needed to be below 140 and it was 147 - so close!  I have to go back on the 14th for the 3 hour test where I drink an even stronger drink and get pricked every hour.  If I don't pass 3 out of the 4, then I guess we'll have to discuss gestational diabetes - I'm a little terrified to be honest.  I'm hoping that since my level wasn't too much over, I can pass the next test.  Prayers are very much appreciated!

Either Mike's angle was a little different or my stomach has gotten big enough to block my legs

How far along: 24 weeks
Baby's size: an ear of corn - baby is about a foot long (head to heel) and you weigh just over a pound.
Maternity clothes: definitely in pants, but I switch out in shirts
Sleep: Now that I'm not dealing with congestion, I've been sleeping better!
Best moment this week: hearing little boy's heartbeat!  Never gets old!
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach, bending over or sitting/standing comfortably
Movement: Mike finally felt him kick and spin around - he loved it!!!
Food cravings: ice cream
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing specific
Gender:  it's a BOY!!  Still working on a name for Little Man.
Labor signs: nope - started feeling very mild braxton hicks
Symptoms: siatica and heartburn still, but other than that I feel great!
Belly button in or out: in, but I can tell it's moving out.  I'll be shocked if it pops out because it never did with Matthew
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: pretty good most days
Looking forward to: my girls' weekend in Hot Springs!  We are also starting to work on clearing out what is now Mike's office so we can turn it in to the nursery. 

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