Saturday, August 11, 2012

39 Weeks

Still no baby.  We are anxiously waiting for him to make his BIG DEBUT!!!  We had a great appointment this week and will begin discussing induction at my 40 week appointment next Wednesday (unless he decides to come before then).  I pray that he is able to come naturally and that I don't have to be induced.  I pray everyday for patience and remind myself that God's plan is so much better than mine.  He knows exactly when this little boy will show up :-)

This is from Week 19 when we found out we were having a boy.  It is also the last time we got to see this precious baby, so we have been waiting a long time to see him again.

How far along: 39 weeks and 3 days
Baby's size: a mini watermelon - Matthew weighs about 7 pounds and is about 20 inches long!
Maternity clothes: always
Sleep: on and off - with the Olympics being on until 11 each night, I've been staying up way late which makes my sleep pattern even worse.  I have been taking a lot of naps during the day :-)
Best moment this week: hearing Matthew's strong heartbeat at our appointment Wednesday!  Spending quality time with Mike.
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach, being able to do simple tasks without getting exhausted, cold weather (not pregnancy related - but this extreme heat is not my friend), just feeling comfortable
Movement: He's still kicking and stretching!
Food cravings: anything cold, water, chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions and veggies
Gender: BOY - Matthew David Fleisher
Labor signs: more frequent and stronger Braxton Hicks - I was checked again this week, and am now 4 cm and 90% effaced!  Lets go Matthew!!
Symptoms: pregnancy brain, heartburn, fatigue, major hunger, hip pain, nose bleeds (again, ugh)
Belly button in or out: in - it's really only enclosing, not moving out
Wedding rings on or off: off - again, stupid heat
Happy or moody most of the time: I have actually had a peace this last week.  I feel like I should be freaking out or running around cleaning compulsively.  Mike has even been surprisingly calm (he is just worrying about changing diapers).
Looking forward to: Matthew's arrival!  I can't wait to hold and love on him :-)

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you! My doctor was always big on those babies "cooking" as long as they can. But it is coming. Matthew is coming. I can't wait to see pics!
