Sunday, July 22, 2012

36 Weeks

I can't believe we have 4 weeks (technically now it's 3.5) until our due date - CRAZY!!!  With not much time left, I have been busy in the nursery, around the house, and at school preparing for my sub.  That being said, I do not have a picture this week.  To give you an idea, I'm huge and I think he's dropped - it's hard to tell having such a small torso.  Here are my stats:

How far along: 36 weeks and 4 days
Baby's size: a crenshaw melon - Matthew weighs about 6 pounds and is over 18.5 inches long!
Maternity clothes: always
Sleep: still on my up every 2 hours routine - typically on the 4 am rotation, I stay awake until 5:30 or so
Best moment this week: Since I'm now on my weekly appointments, we got to hear his strong heartbeat again!  This hasn't happened yet, but we are almost finished with the nursery (apart from pictures of Matthew).
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach, being able to do simple tasks without getting exhausted, cold weather (not pregnancy related - but this extreme heat is not my friend)
Movement: He's still kicking and stretching!
Food cravings: anything cold, water, chocolate milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions and veggies
Gender: BOY - Matthew David Fleisher
Labor signs: more frequent and stronger Braxton Hicks - I was checked again this week, and am still 80% effaced and 3 cm dilated.  The doctor said he could stretch to 4, but wanted to keep me at 3.
Symptoms: pregnancy brain, heartburn, siatica, fatigue, major hunger
Belly button in or out: in - it's really only enclosing, not moving out
Wedding rings on or off: off - again, stupid heat
Happy or moody most of the time: nervous/excited anxiety - I find myself constantly thinking about what's to come and how much life is going to change
Looking forward to: finishing the nursery and finishing my sub plans - it is not easy planning for a random person to come in at the beginning of school year and teach my students all of the necessary routines and procedures correctly.  I must say I had a ton of help from my dad, aunt, and granddad in getting my classroom set up/organized - I didn't have to lift a finger :-)

As soon as the nursery is finished, I will post pics!!!

1 comment:

  1. I started the year with a sub. It isn't easy. But everyone will be fine. I am so excited for you!
