Sunday, June 3, 2012

29 Weeks

What a great first week of summer!  Of course I've enjoyed sleeping in, but I've also gone shopping/dinner/movie (What to Expect When You're Expecting) with friends, and a weekend in Oklahoma with the hubs for a wedding.  If you haven't seen the What to Expect movie yet, I highly suggest it (whether you're a mom or not)...very funny!

Mike and I just got back from Owasso, Oklahoma where he was a groomsman for one of his college buddies.  It was great to see all of his college friends - we rarely get to see each other.  They have so many funny stories, so there is never a dull moment!  We are very excited for Chris and Andrea - so much so that we endured their outdoor wedding (Mike in a tux and me being 29 weeks pregnant).  It was beautiful despite the heat.

Needless to say, it has been a busy week.  I have not had time to take an updated "belly pic", so I'll just leave you with the chalkboard ( I was prepared, but didn't have time) and my stats :-)
Again, I'm not an artist

How far along: 29 Weeks
Baby's size: a butternut squash - baby boy weighs about 2.5 pounds and is about 15 inches long!
Maternity clothes: yes - I'm loving my tanks and yoga pants
Sleep: eh - waking up a lot
Best moment this week: not only did we finish painting the nursery, but we also got the crib set up!!  Can't wait to share pictures!!!
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach, bending over with ease, getting in bed like a normal person
Movement: he's still practicing his soccer skills
Food cravings: anything cold
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions and veggies
Gender: BOY - we may have settled on a name!  Will share as soon as it's official!
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: pregnancy brain, major clumsy moments, heartburn, leg cramps, ankle swelling (sporting cankles), siatica (again), bloody nose (lovely)
Belly button in or out: in - it's starting to move outward
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: getting anxious about having everything ready for this baby boy
Looking forward to: starting childbirthing classes this week and continuing to plan his nursery

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are progressing nicely! Enjoy your summer!
