Friday, May 11, 2012

26 Weeks

This week has been amazing so far!  Not only did I have Monday off work for my birthday, but I was surprised at school today with a baby shower from my students and their parents.  This came after a week of treats from PTA in honor of teacher appreciation week.  Needless to say, I have been spoiled!  

After lunch today, a coworker asked me to come help her with some things in her room.  During this time, my students and parents were setting up in my classroom for the shower.  As I walked back into dark, empty classroom all of my students jumped up from under their desks and ran to give me a huge hug - so sweet!  They were all so excited!  We had cake, fruit, and punch while I opened gifts.  I feel so blessed to have such amazing students and parents!

This is a picture of all the gifts from the shower today - I told ya, spoiled!  My students have been so excited about Mike and I expecting a baby boy.  The sign hanging on the wall has all of their signatures on it.

I had to take closer up pictures because they got such cute things for baby boy.  They even got him his first Razorback onsies!  Mike got his corn popper and several of the dinosaur gowns, bibs, and burp cloths :-)

And here is the other half - tones of diapers and wipes!  Plus, an adorable diaper bag!

See what I mean - such amazing students and parents!  To top the day off, my coworkers/best friends took me for ice cream and a pedicure for my birthday after school - love them!  Even though I don't have a belly pic for this week, I'll, again, leave you with my stats.

How far along: 26 Weeks
Baby's size: an English hothouse cucumber - baby boy weighs about 1 2/3 pounds and is about 14 inches long!
Maternity clothes: yes
Sleep: eh - I'm now waking up at midnight and 3 to go to the bathroom every night
Best moment this week: too many to count - birthday (he was moving around excitedly this day), surprise baby shower, pedicures, and the arrival of the crib bedding fabric!
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach - getting out of bed with ease (I know this will get worse)
Movement: He has been practicing his soccer skills :-)
Food cravings: anything cold
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions and veggies
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: pregnancy brain, major clumsy moments, heartburn, leg cramps, ankle swelling
Belly button in or out: in - it's starting to move outward
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: excited1
Looking forward to: painting the nursery - I swear we are painting soon

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