We are passed the half-way point - crazy!! With only 18 weeks to go, Mike and I have kicked it into gear to get ready for our little boy. We spent the weekend registering, finalizing crib selection, and spending time with family for Easter. I felt overwhelmingly blessed while celebrating the resurrection of Christ this morning! What a great way to start a tough week of testing :-)
How far along: 21 weeks and 4 days
Baby's size: a carrot or banana - about 3/4 of a pound and 10.5 inches long
Maternity clothes: yep
Sleep: pretty good - still waking up a few times a night
Best moment this week: registering with Mike - so much fun figuring out what we want for our son
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach
Movement: typically before I go to sleep - still wanting to feel a true kick (I'm ready to actually know exactly what I'm feeling)
Food cravings: nothing specific, but I've been more hungry
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions and veggies
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: pregnancy brain, major clumsy moments, sciatica
Belly button in or out: in
Wedding rings on or off: on
Happy or moody most of the time: excited/anxious about planning
Looking forward to: getting his nursery ready - I've ordered fabric samples!!!!
Sounds like fun! The registry is so much fun to do. Have a wonderful week!