Friday, February 17, 2012

Second Trimester

On Wednesday I entered the 2nd trimester! I am thrilled to have made it to this milestone and can't wait to see what is in store for Mike, the baby, and me these next few months! I have been pretty tired lately due to work being busy, but other than that I have felt great.

I'm behind on "belly pictures", but I have been keeping up with my mirror-turned-chalkboard where I update the baby's size and include other neat information. I found this idea on Pinterest and am having so much fun! Here is the one I did for 14 weeks -

Warning - I am NOT an artist

How far along? 14 Weeks and 2 days
Maternity clothes? a few pants and shirts - I have been feeling claustrophobic in my normal clothes
Stretch marks? none yet!
Sleep: not very good since I am no longer sleeping on my stomach. I wake up constantly with back and hip pain.
Best moment this week: crossing over into the 2nd trimester!
Miss Anything? sleeping on my stomach and cherry coke
Movement: none that I've noticed - I hope to feel him/her soon
Food cravings: nope! I really haven't had any true cravings, just a better awareness of what I actually want to eat. I have become stubborn about what/when I want to eat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: onions
Gender: ??? We will find out in late March, but I'm predicting boy! We shall see :-)
Labor Signs: negative
Symptoms: back/hip pain, mild heartburn, huge appetite
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired most of the time. The more tired I am, the more moody I get.
Looking forward to: Thursday when we go back to the doctor and get to hear his/her heartbeat again! I do wish we could have an ultrasound, but we have to wait until 20 weeks :-( I'm also going shopping with my mom and sister tomorrow to look for decor for the gender reveal party!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you! You know, I never had to take my wedding rings off. I remember very well the knowing what I wanted to eat and what I didn't want to eat. And I also remember how wonderful the sound of that heartbeat was. :)
