Monday, September 1, 2014

2 Years Old

I have no idea how 2 years have passed so quickly!  It really does seem like yesterday that we were bringing Matthew home from the hospital.  While Matthew is in the stage of pushing boundaries, I wouldn't trade anything.  He is a sweet little boy with such a kind heart!  He also knows how to keep us laughing!

I mean, could he get any cuter!

~ You now weigh 27 lbs which is in the 37th percentile and you are 34 1/4 inches long which is in the 34th percentile.  Your head circumference is in the 85th percentile at 19 3/4 inches.

~ You are wearing size 4 diapers.  We are slowly getting you use to sitting on the potty, but have yet to go in the potty.  He loves reading his potty books (especially the Potty Train when it says "Chugga, Chugga, Poo-poo!").  I know you will figure it out one day, so I don't want to push you too hard.  

~ You are wearing 2T size clothes, but can still fit into size 18-24 month clothes.  You can wear a few 18 month shirts and pants depending on the brand.  

~ You're vocabulary is unbelievable!  For the past several weeks, you've been repeating everything that we say.  You're even picking up on phrases we use when you are disciplined and like to say them to others.  It's really quite funny!  Some of your favorite phrases are "back Bella", "I get it/I did it", "more buses", "I see you".

~ You can sing your ABC song.  You mumble through some of the letters, but you've got it down for the most part.  Your favorite letter to say is "P".  You can also count to 11.  Your favorite sequence is 8-9-10-11.

~ You are now sleeping in a big boy bed!  You are so proud of your new room & big bed.  It's become a new place to play.  You've only fallen out once, but have done great so far!  

~ You still love your books and have really gotten into trucks and cars.  It's amazing how little boys are just born with the knowing how to make car, truck, train, airplane, etc sounds.  

~ Animals are still your favorite things.  I'm pretty sure you could visit the zoo once a week and never get bored.  This has helped you develop your ability to pretend play.  You are constantly pretending that you are a monkey, elephant, lion, or bunny.

~ Swimming is your new summer favorite activity.  You've come so far from the beginning of the summer.  You can now swim around on your own with your floaties and are not afraid to jump in the pool.

~ You love to sing songs.  Your favorite song is "E-i-e-o"!  You also like Jesus Loves Me, ABC's, Ba Ba Black Sheep, Row Row Row Your Boat, and the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

~ Elmo has become your fave character.  You also really like Cookie Monster, Bert, & Ernie.  We have a Tickle Me Elmo, but you're not a fan of it talking and moving around.  You're starting to like Mickey Mouse and Veggie Tales.

~ You had to go to the doctor while you had a tummy bug to check for Shigella since a case was found at daycare.  Thankfully, the stool samples we collected came back negative.  You only had Rotavirus and Cdef.

~ You love going to ACH to visit your "Bro".  I know you are so ready for him to be home!  You have been such a big help in getting his room ready and have been such a trooper these last 4.5 months while life has been so chaotic.  I know it's been hard on you, but you have made me so proud.  You are a GREAT big brother!

I love you to the moon and back sweet Matthew!  You are such a blessing in our lives and Samuel is beyond lucky to have a big brother like you.  I thank God for your gentle spirit and your kind hearted nature.  Here's to adventures with a two year old!

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